Syllabus of Physics

(For National and International Round)

  1. SYLLABUS for Grades 9 – 10

    1. Linear and two-dimension motion
    2. Vectors and Scalars
    3. Newton’s Laws
    4. Conservation of Momentum
    5. Gravity
    6. Density and Pressure
    7. Momentum
    8. Equilibrium
    9. Work
    10. Energy
    11. Power
    12. Heat
    13. Heat Transfer
    14. Waves and Sound
    15. Electricity
    16. Electric Current
    17. Resistance
SYLLABUS for Grades 11 – 12  
  1. Speed of Sound
  2. Light
  3. Reflection and Refraction
  4. Mirrors and Lenses
  5. Electric Field and Force
  6. Potential Difference
  7. Capacitance
  8. Magnetic Field and Force
  9. Photoelectric Effect
  10. Structure of Nucleus
  11. Energy of Photon
  12. Newton’s Laws
  13. Conservation of Momentum
  14. Gravity
  15. Density and Pressure
  16. Momentum
  17. Equilibrium
  18. Work
  19. Energy
  20. Power
  21. Heat
  22. Heat Transfer
  23. Waves and Sound
  24. Electricity
  25. Electric Current
  26. Resistance


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